Election Reminders for Libraries
Voter registration deadlines vary according to state laws. Click here to find Election Dates and Deadlines in your state so that your library can keep community members informed and up-to-date.
Vote.gov offers additional information and insights on the voter registration process.
While some states mandate public libraries as voter registrars, others do not. Our voter registration page provides additional election-related information for your state.
Checklist for Early Voting
Click here to download our early voting checklist. Always consult with your local clerk of elections or state board of elections for the most up-to-date and accurate voter information for your library service area.
Voter ID Requirements
Each state has its own laws governing voter ID requirements for citizens to cast a ballot. Check your state's Voter ID requirements to ensure that your community members do not face any barriers on election day. Make this information easily accessible within your library space to ensure that there are no issues on election day.
Election Day Information
Provide relevant library information to election day volunteers, including:
- Hours of operation
- Names and contact information for staff members
- Location of polling stations
- Location of restrooms, break rooms, and supply rooms
- Emergency related information
Election Day Checklist
Click here to download our Election Day checklist. Always consult with your local clerk of elections or state board of elections for the most up-to-date and accurate voter information for your library service area.
Poll Worker Checklist
The United States Election Assistance Commission provides a checklist for poll workers on election day. Access additional poll worker resources to encourage your staff and community members to join your election administration efforts.
Additional Tools and Resources
Many organizations offer additional comprehensive election administration information that your library can adapt to suit your community’s needs.