Throughout the month of October, we’re launching this pledge campaign to support our nation’s libraries. This national campaign, called Vote Libraries Month, calls to attention the fact that over 90% of library funding is dependent on the will of local voters and local politicians. That means that if we want libraries to have the resources they need to keep their doors open and continue to serve their communities, we need Americans to vote for libraries and for politicians who support libraries. That’s why we built this pledge page to ask Americans to pledge to vote yes for libraries.
If you've already pledged to vote yes for libraries, please consider supporting this campaign by:
Share our pledge to vote page on Facebook and Twitter
Adding this social media badge to your profile pictures
And by making a contribution to help us reach more Americans and to support libraries at the ballot box this November.
I pledge to vote for candidates who support libraries and for local library ballot measures this November.
When I vote, I will consider how my local, state, and federal candidates look at libraries. I understand that everyone running for office, from the House of Representatives and Governors to state legislators are the people who make funding decisions for libraries. Our school boards and town, city, and county council candidates, too. I understand that my own vote matters this year and for future generations of Americans. And if my local library is on the ballot, I also pledge to Vote Yes for a better library and a more vibrant community.
I pledge to #VoteLibraries because:
- Libraries transcend political parties and politics. They are open and accessible to all.
- Librarians need stable funding at the local level and from state and federal programs to do their life-changing work well.
- Quality libraries support business development and entrepreneurs and that makes our local and national economy stronger and they provide the resources for a more educated and informed community.
- My community is a better place to live, is more fun and interesting, and is more successful because of our library.
- I want to live in a community that values its libraries and supports its librarians. Every town and city in America deserves that same opportunity.
Will you take the pledge today...?
Throughout the month of October, we’re launching this pledge campaign to support our nation’s libraries. This national campaign, called Vote Libraries Month, calls to attention the fact that over 90% of library funding is dependent on the will of local voters and local politicians. That means that if we want libraries to have the resources they need to keep their doors open and continue to serve their communities, we need Americans to vote for libraries and for politicians who support libraries. That’s why we built this pledge page to ask Americans to pledge to vote yes for libraries.
If you've already pledged to vote yes for libraries, please consider supporting this campaign by:
Share our pledge to vote page on Facebook and Twitter
Adding this social media badge to your profile pictures
And by making a contribution to help us reach more Americans and to support libraries at the ballot box this November.
I pledge to vote for candidates who support libraries and for local library ballot measures this November.
When I vote, I will consider how my local, state, and federal candidates look at libraries. I understand that everyone running for office, from the House of Representatives and Governors to state legislators are the people who make funding decisions for libraries. Our school boards and town, city, and county council candidates, too. I understand that my own vote matters this year and for future generations of Americans. And if my local library is on the ballot, I also pledge to Vote Yes for a better library and a more vibrant community.
I pledge to #VoteLibraries because:
- Libraries transcend political parties and politics. They are open and accessible to all.
- Librarians need stable funding at the local level and from state and federal programs to do their life-changing work well.
- Quality libraries support business development and entrepreneurs and that makes our local and national economy stronger and they provide the resources for a more educated and informed community.
- My community is a better place to live, is more fun and interesting, and is more successful because of our library.
- I want to live in a community that values its libraries and supports its librarians. Every town and city in America deserves that same opportunity.
Will you take the pledge today...?
Who's Joining?